Vinland Students Enjoy Plush Bus Ride to Our State’s Capital
Dear North Kitsap School Foundation, Thank you for giving us the grant to go to Olympia that was my first time going to the state capital. Thank you for teaching me about what number state we are. My favorite thing I saw was the chandelier. Sincerely James
It’s more important than ever that our children learn about how our government operates, and NKSF is happy to provide the kids with a nice bus ride to our state capitol building in Olympia where they can see where the work of our democracy takes place.
Our tour guide asked the students what the first step in making a law was…
"An idea," replied the girl he called on.
Along with the history and symbolism of the building and its marbled halls that the tour guides provided, our Vinland students learned about how a law comes to be, and it all started with an idea.
The kids also had the opportunity to participate in a mock trial as well. At the end they voted in the same manner as the original verdict reached when the case was originally heard by our courts.
Dear North Kitsap Schools Foundation, Thank you for funding the busses for our field trip to Olympia, they were very nice. My favorite part was learning how laws are made and learning about all of the marble. Sincerely, Aubrey
Having the opportunity to learn about the processes of government that will affect the rest of their lives, we’re hoping that one or two kiddos walk away from this trip, after the nice nap on the tour bus ride home, and step forward as public servants to help improve our democracy.
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Thank you NKSF for providing the buses for us. My favorite part was the bus ride back and the rotenda. We learned about stories and marble. It was really cool. Without you we would not have been able to go on this road trip. - Adela